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The Perfect Rails Install on Ubuntu 11.10

I’ll admit, I enjoy programming in Ruby on Rails. It’s the perfect fit for so many of my smaller projects where I need to build a small application and have it up and running quickly. However, sometimes it can be extremely frustrating to install a new system with the right versions of Rails, Ruby, MySQL, etc. Often times the distribution may have older packages or the gems are picky about what version of libraries are installed on the system. Well, if you run Ubuntu 11.10, this post is for you as it will outline a cut and paste set of commands to get you up and running with Ruby 1.92, Rails 3.20, Rubygems 1.8.15, MySQL and SQLite. (more…)

Five Steps to Configuring Privacy on Google Plus (+)

The Google+ Project is a social networking service that allows you to connect with others, define relationships, and share your information on the web similar to how you would in real life. As with any social networking service, it’s important to understand the potential risks and be wary of what you share and with whom. In this post, I’ll provide some recommendations for how you can take advantage of privacy settings offered by Google to help you better protect your information. (more…)

How to setup encrypted offsite backups

There’s a variety of strategies for backing up your data and no single solution is perfect for everyone. Some people may use commercial services like Jungle DiskMozy, or Carbonite. Other’s may choose to use services such as Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) and tools such as Duplicity. Whatever your preference, the ultimate goal is to protect your data against loss, theft, and natural disasters. In this post, we’ll cover how you can implement encrypted offsite backups using DuplyDuplicitySSHFS, and Rsync. (more…)

Welcoming the New Year

Introducing the completely re-designed Branded Clever website! Built from the ground up and forged by an army of savvy gnomes over the course of the last few months, we’ve taken great care in every pixel of the design. Some might say we are obsessed with good design, we just think it’s built into our DNA.

When we originally launched the company back in 2008, we put together a one-page website that provided basic information about us. It wasn’t our best work, but it had to suffice as we began to help our customers. With two successful years under our belt, we decided to take a 2-month break on projects to focus on developing a brand new version of our website. (more…)